
My website is getting a fresh new look in 2025, complete with a shop and blog! Sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know when it launches and enjoy exclusive opening offers!
Eduard Broekhuijsen, or just simply Ed, makes illos, illustrations. Welcome to Studio Edillo.
Hello! Thank you for visiting my website. I am a passionate illustrator based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. As a child and teenager I spent much of my time with drawing and making up stories for my own comics. Many years later I rediscovered my old passion. From that feeling I picked up where I left off and evolved my art to what it is now through years of study and practice. My current work has a graphic style with a minimalist approach and a color palette that reminds of the illustrated advertisement-posters of the 50’s and 60’s.
The past few years I have been working behind the scenes to find the style that matches best with what I want to show. The next step was to open a shop on Etsy. The art prints and posters will hopefully take you on an imaginary adventure within the comfort of your home. All illustrations are inspired by my love for cultures, travel and wildlife. The designs will appeal to kids and adults alike. You can visit my shop by clicking here.
Studio Edillo 
KvK: 81538650
BTW-id: NL003575859B02

Need an illustration for media, book or magazine? Need information on wholesale or any other question? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch:


All content on this website: Copyright Studio Edillo ©